Thursday, December 11, 2008

Top Albums of 2008: #5 Beach House -- Devotion


Beach House -- Devotion

When people get pop music right, it's a beautiful thing. Especially the dreamy, atmospheric brand that the Baltimore duo Beach House dole out with ease on their second album, Devotion. Each track is cohesive and seamless, each chord wonderfully complimentary to the next. It's crafted amazingly -- something that seems effortless but is anything but. Good shit.

Honorable Mentions:
Gang Gang Dance -- Saint Dymphna:
Don't let the ridiculous cover fool you -- the tracks within are experimental-dandies that have a traditional structure somewhere below the surface. At first brash and confusing, it soaks in over time. Completely enjoyable.

Centro-Matic/South San Gabriel -- Dual Hawks
I'm a big Will Johnson fan. Both of his respective projects have been churning out quality guitar-rock tunes for years, and this double-album is no exception. Fantastic tuneage.

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