Monday, September 22, 2008

Favorite Album 2005: Illinois -- Sufjan Stevens


Every so often, a really fucking good album comes out. One so fucking good that it finds an audience in virtually everyone -- the songs are so well crafted, the lyrics so thoughtful, that anyone and everyone can find SOMETHING to like about it. Case in point: Illinois, by Sufjan Stevens. An album that was loved by critics, fans, and even MTV, Stevens went from indie obscurity to indie Elvis with this record. Part of his famed "50 States Project", in which Stevens plans (or rather, planned, at this point) to do an album for each state, highlighting different aspects of each one, creating a grandiose experience completely singular to each record. Illinoise was his second effort -- its predecessor, the good-but-not-great Michigan, was merely a glimpse into Stevens' knack for extravagant musical imagery. Ostensibly a folk record, Illinois is truly a pop masterpiece, showcasing the masterful songwriting and a key wit of Stevens'.

Each of the songs is like a mini-event, and some of them are capable of creating entire moods and feelings with the right setting. The first time I heard "Chicago", I was driving down a lonely country highway just as the sun was setting over the hills of western Oregon. An entirely out of body experience, I realized then that few people were skilled enough to craft this kind of emotion through song: Sufjan was truly something special, as was this wonderful record.

Now let's get him off his ass and make him record another one!

Key tracks: All of them -- each one is necessary to the entire experience.

Next week: 2006
Hint: Daniel Johnston

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